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SC BR* D'Arcoons Yuri
SC BR* D'Arcoons Yuri
Dad: BR* D'Arcoons Google
Mom: BR* D'Arcoons Physalis
Birth: 13/08/2015
Collor: Cream Smoke with White - MCO es 09
Check: Pedigree
Exames: HCM (DNA + Eco 2018), PKD, SMA, PKDeF N/N. Also FIV/Felv negative.
Our beautiful boy arrived on a beautiful summer day on 01/31/2016 bringing all his docility to our family! I never thought that a big boy could be so fantastic, a true Lord!
Thank you Marcia for that boy's dream! He's amazing and we are completely crazy about him! Our BGA, our Galician, our beloved son!
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